Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Body Parts II - Jeremy

Today I was at KAGS for the Life Drawing class and we had Jeremy as our model.

I did a couple of sketches of him and for the long pose I liked the way the light, shadows and reflected light played across his shoulder and arm so I did this drawing.

Thank you for taking the time to look at my artwork and I hope you will return often.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Alicia - A Work in Progress

Today I didn't feel like driving into Peterborough for the Life drawing class so I looked through my sketches and decided I liked the position of the model in my drawing of Resting - Alicia 3 (see posting on 06 December 2011) and decided to develop it into a colour painting.

I reworked the original drawing and transferred it onto Strathmore 400 Pastel paper.

I put in the highlights first using white conte and then added some of the darker shadows using sanguine. The darker flesh tones are a mixture of sanguine and white.

Her hair which was a mass of long dreadlocks twisted together and knotted was mainly sepia conte with mid tones in sanguine and highlights in white.

I will post this painting at a later date once I have it completed.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and enjoy the artwork. I hope you will return often.